빅쇼트 The Big Short 2015 US ★★★☆

2020/05/08 09:33

# 여담
- 시사에 관심이 있다면 아마 한번쯤 들어봤을것이다. 미국의  서브 프라임 모기지 사태.
당시 부실채권문제에 대해 문제를 파악하고, 그것을 증권투자를 했던 사람들은 어떻게 대응했는지, 정부 및 은행, 관련 기관들이 어떠했는지 추적하는 다큐형태의 드라마 영화이다.
- 세계적인 공황상태의 시작. 당시 시사뉴스에서는 대공황이 올 수 있다며 떠들썩했던 아주 큰 사건. 당시 블로그 관련 글
# Storyline
- In 2006-2007 a group of investors bet against the US mortgage market. In their research they discover how flawed and corrupt the market is.

- Three separate but parallel stories of the U.S mortgage housing crisis of 2005 are told. Michael Burry, an eccentric ex-physician turned one-eyed Scion Capital hedge fund manager, has traded traditional office attire for shorts, bare feet and a Supercuts haircut. He believes that the US housing market is built on a bubble that will burst within the next few years. Autonomy within the company allows Burry to do largely as he pleases, so Burry proceeds to bet against the housing market with the banks, who are more than happy to accept his proposal for something that has never happened in American history. The banks believe that Burry is a crackpot and therefore are confident in that they will win the deal. Jared Vennett with Deutschebank gets wind of what Burry is doing and, as an investor believes he too can cash in on Burry's beliefs. An errant telephone call to FrontPoint Partners gets this information into the hands of Mark Baum, an idealist who is fed up with the corruption in the ... Written by Huggo

Memorable Quotes

#. Overheard at a Washington, D.C. bar:
"Truth is like poetry. And most people fucking hate poetry."

#. On screen quotation from Mark Twain: [On screen quote attributed to Mark Twain]
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.

#. Ben Rickert:
If we're right, people lose homes. People lose jobs. People lose retirement savings, people lose pensions. You know what I hate about fucking banking? It reduces people to numbers. Here's a number - every 1% unemployment goes up, 40,000 people die, did you know that?
#. 이야기의 시작
Michael Burry: I want to buy swaps on mortgage bonds. A credit default swap that pays off if the underlying bond fails.

Goldman Sachs Sales Rep (Lucy): You want to bet against the housing market?

Michael Burry: Yes.

Goldman Sachs Quant (Deeb): Why? Those bonds only fail if millions of Americans don't pay their mortgages. That's never happened in history. If you'll forgive me, Dr. Burry, it seems like a foolish investment.

Michael Burry: Well, based on prevailing sentiment, the market, the banks and popular culture, yes, it's a foolish investment. But, everyone's wrong.

Goldman Sachs Sales Rep (Lucy): This is Wall Street, Dr. Burry. If you offer us free money, we ARE going to take it...

Michael Burry: [interrupts her] My one concern is that when the bonds fail I want to be certain of payment in case of solvency issues with your bank.

Goldman Sachs Sales Rep (Lucy): I'm sorry, are you for real? You want to bet against the housing market and you're worried WE won't pay YOU?

Goldman Sachs Quant (Deeb): [confers, whispering with colleage, in a lengthy sidebar] Dr. Burry, we could work out a pay-as-we-go structure that would pay out if the bonds fail. But it would also apply to your payments if the value of the mortgage bond goes up, You'd have to pay us monthly premiums.

Goldman Sachs Sales Rep (Lucy): Is that acceptable, Dr. Burry?

Michael Burry: Yes... yes. I have prospectuses on the six mortgage-backed securities I want to short.

Goldman Sachs Quant (Deeb): [Lengthy silence as the Goldman reps scan and review the thick booklets] Dr. Burry, these should be fine.

Goldman Sachs Sales Rep (Lucy): We're prepared to sell you five million in credit default swaps on these mortgage bonds.

Michael Burry: Could we make it a hundred million?
#. 제작정보
빅쇼트 The Big Short 2015 US ★★★☆
실화 경제 시사 드라마 / 미국 / 130분 / 개봉 2016.01.21
Also Known As: The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine
제작: 아논 밀천 Arnon Milchan Paramount Pictures, Regency Enterprises
수입.배급: 롯데엔터테인먼트
각본: 아담 맥케이 Adam McKay / 각색: 마이클 루이스 Michael Lewis (원작자)
감독: 아담 맥케이
배우: 크리스찬 베일(마이클 버리:헤지펀드 운용사 사장, 박사), 스티브 카렐(마크 바움:헤지펀드 운용사 사장, 염쇄주의자), 라이언 고슬링(자레드 베넷:은행맨), 브래드 피트(벤 리커트:퇴직 증권맨) 핀 위트록(제이미 쉬플리:개미투자자),
2020-05-02 올레티비

2020/05/08 09:33 2020/05/08 09:33

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